What is The Mystical City of God?
by Timothy A. Duff, Editor
New English Edition of the Mystical City of God
The Mystical City of God is the History and Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, revealed in the 17th century to a humble Spanish Franciscan nun, Ven. Mary of Jesus of Ágreda (1602-1655). These revelations were given to her by innumerable intellectual visions in which the knowledge is directly impressed upon the intellect, bypassing the senses and the imagination. Hence the revelations found in the book are not the result of mere contemplation, opinion, interpretation, personal knowledge or conjecture. Almighty God himself declared this (Conception 9):
“I do not desire this description and declaration of her life to be opinions or contemplations, but the certain truth.”
Since so little is said of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in Holy Scriptures (as that was not its purpose), the revelation of her History and Life was specifically reserved for our times so She could help bring a fallen world back to the feet of her Son and help souls gain salvation, as She herself told Ven. Mary (Transfixion 797):
“The manifestation of my prerogatives, being included in the dignity of Mother of God and in my being full of grace, was reserved by divine Providence for a more opportune and convenient time, namely when the faith would be better known and established. In the course of the centuries some mysteries pertaining to me have been made plain, but the plenitude of light has been given to thee, who art a poor and insignificant creature, and this has been done because of the necessities and unhappy state of the world. God in his kindness desires to offer this opportune remedy to men in order that all of them may seek help and eternal salvation through my intercession.” I personally believe this book is the literal fulfillment of the prophecy of Apocalypse 3:12.
Hence Our Lady Help of Christians, by what She has revealed through her beloved daughter Ven. Mary, desires through The Mystical City of God to help us know, love, and serve her Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by revealing how She, who Herself is the perfect imitation of Christ, perfectly did so on earth. And who better to teach us than His loving and perfect Mother, who gave her fiat for our salvation, bore Him in her womb, gave Him birth, and learned from Him and perfectly imitated Him day by day for His entire life? All Mary our Mother desires to do is to help us serve her Son and gain happiness in this world and for all eternity.
Dear soul, do not stumble along the dangerous path along the precipice above the gaping abyss of hell by following the innumerable fools (Ecclesiastes 1:15) who say “I do not need the help or intercession of Mary; I will go to God directly.” It seems they have never heard or understood the words of Christ when He said not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 7:21). And tell me, who accomplished the will of the heavenly Father better than our humble and obedient Queen? And who better to help us, or rather to help me accomplish His most holy will? Be assured those who reject the help and intercession of this most lovable Mother will have as their punishment the very fulfillment of their impious wish: They will not have her help, and will thus stand alone before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ; for how can they expect to have pleased the King when they have rejected and dishonored His
Mother the Queen? Perhaps the Lord shall even say to them: I honor my Mother, and you have dishonored Her (cf. Jn. 8:49).
Tell me, do you really want to stand alone before the dread Judge upon whose sentence all dependeth (cf. Dies irae)? The very thought makes me tremble and shudder. I want my Mother at my side. You would do well to desire the same.
So let us gain the happy fruit of this singular book and learn to better know, love, and serve Jesus and His holy Mother, and obtain her help and intercession. What Catholic is there who does not desire this?